Building on the future
Welcome to the experts for investment properties:
sirealis is your specialist for real estate services. Benefit from the knowledge of our experts in the valuation and sale of nationwide investment properties.
sirealis is an investment broker with many years of experience, first-class references and extensive knowledge of the property market.
sirealis’ surveyors and estate agents specialise in multiple dwellings, office buildings, retail properties, shopping centres, hotels, nursing homes, industrial properties, logistics buildings, property portfolios and real estate companies in Germany.
A wealth of experience bundled under one roof
With its head office in the heart of Hamburg’s city centre, sirealis was founded by Sebastian Siemers. Mr. Siemers has a success record over many decades as well as market experience in the property business and on the capital market. Within the scope of numerous corporate participations, company foundings and various real estate company listings on the stock exchange, Mr. Siemers has built up an extensive wealth of knowledge from which you as customer can benefit. Take advantage of his extensive network of private investors, private developers and institutional investors on the capital market that he has established over the years. Make use of our good contacts for your own success.
No matter where you are going – we will show you the way
sirealis offers its customers the best possible solutions for every project. Please do not hesitate to ask us without any obligation on your part – we always look forward to new challenges!